Roses are red, violets are blue... welcome to my site, nice to have you.
I'm Victor. I'm majorly a software developer but I also do 3D animation with blender, occassionaly write stories and scripts, some part-time physics research and dabble in music production. This is my personal portfolio and blog where I share my 2 cents. Feel free to look around.
Featured blog posts
A prelude to web development
This article focuses on a few things to note/understand before you dive into the world of web development. Though complex, web development is built on fundamental concepts that are explained in this article
Building a simple API with prisma and backframe.js
A walkthrough of building a simple API using backframe.js and prisma.
A Primer into Bash scripting
Knowing how to write bash scripts is a skill that can come in handy if you do anything that requires a significant amount of automation. And not just bash scripts, even scripting in Powershell or windows batch scripts can prove useful.
Different ways to handle CSS
CSS was invented to make styling websites easy but it is often said that CSS is hard. This article discusses the different ways you can handle CSS on your websites to make your life easier.
Managing monorepos using pnpm
pnpm is by far the best package manager that I have ever come accross. Other than its well-known advantages over other package managers, managing monorepos is where pnpm especially shines. In this article, we explore managing a monorepo using pnpm
The Internet vs The Web
Although closely related, the web and the internet are two completely different things and it is important to know how they differ but also how they are similar. Which is what we will discuss in this blog