Things that I have made trying to make the world a better place
I have a ton of interests, and I like to try invest myself in all of them. I have a deep passion for physics and do some research in the field. I also like to write and code. I have a lot of ideas, and I like to make things. I would be remiss if I failed to mention how much I like blender and often dabble in CG. Here are some of the things I have worked or am working on. Feel free to check them out and perhaps even contribute where you can.
On the temporal dimension
A physics research paper delving into the nature of time. It presents a new theory of time, and a new model of the universe.
Fefa Academy
This is still a work in progress, but it's a website for an online academy that I'm building. It's a place where I can teach people about the things I know.
Yet another javascript framework. This one's a bit different though. It's a framework for building backends. It's a bit like express, but with a lot more features.
Daraja Sdks
A set of wrappers for working with Daraja, the Mpesa API. It's a set of sdks for Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby that simplify working with the API.
I love working with blender, but I also love the procedural nature of houdini. So I decided to make a blender addon that introduces a houdini-like workflow to blender.
No, it's not the cmder you might be thinking of. This one's a rust crate built for parsing command-line arguments. It's a simple, yet powerful library but without sacrificing on performance.